Hi guys, I'm Shirohige the creator and editor of egames46. I'm an Indonesian, came from Sundanese tribe, studied about programming language. My relation with video games, you could say a best friend almost never spent a day without it, quite addicted really.
Why i made egames46
I'm really love flash game, i like to collect it and play it offline "click and play" doesn't have to wait the games to be loaded. It's quite annoying wait a couple minute to play a flash game and in another day or time you must wait another minute to play a same game. Besides, an offline game could played in a full screen, doesn't need a bookmark, you know many games means many bookmark and if no bookmark let's see....... "search, wait and play" really-really displease for me.
Download download download always willing to download, but as you know a flash game mostly serve as an online game "no download link". Because of that tragedy i made this blog, i want to help a people who have a same thought with me, a same feeling, i want to make it easier for them, make it easier for you.